Fuck it: Хулиганский гимн Манчестер Юнайтед, фразы музыки, слушать в качестве мп3, без проблем скачать на анлройд без задержек, хулиганский гимн манчестер юнайтед текст
Оценка: 0
Исполнитель песни: Fuck it
Название музыкального произведения: Хулиганский гимн Манчестер Юнайтед
Длина файла с песней: 03:42
Дата добавления: 2015-08-28
Текст песни увидели: 950
See I will, always, love the reds so much
We are the team nobody else can touch
United, I love them, they're the only team I like
The other ones are shite, and now I'm gonna tell you how I feel
Fuck Peter Kenyon and Abromavich
Fuck you Mourinho you son of a bitch
Fuck Kevin Keegan, and fuck Franny Lee
Fuck Steve McManaman and fuck Man City
Fuck Leeds United you're down and you're gay
Fuck Norman Hunter and fuck Eddie Gray
Fuck Everton and fuck you Liverpool
Fuck all you Scousers, cause Manchester rules
Ronaldo, van Nistelrooy, play for the baddest team
With Ferdinand and super Roy Keane, Silvestre, and Ryan Giggs
And we'll never let the badge, dressed in red, white and black
We don't give a damn about no one else
Fuck Peter Kenyon and Abromavich
Fuck you Mourinho you son of a Bitch
Fuck Kevin Keegan, and fuck Franny Lee
Fuck Steve McManaman and fuck Man City
Fuck Arsene Wenger and fuck Arsenal too
Fuck all the Cockneys we Fucking hate you
Fuck Everton and fuck you Liverpool
Fuck all you Scousers, cause Manchester rules
Rule, rule United, rule, rule United
Rule, rule United, rule, rule United
Now I hate the Scousers, and I hate Liverpool
They're fucking shite, and United rule
And Chelsea, who do you think you are?
It's been fifty long years, and it's gonna end in tears
You'll never be as big as Man United
Fuck Barcelona and fuck Real Madrid
I've loved United since I was a kid
Fuck Bayern Munich and AC Milan
Fuck Deportivo and Vasco Da Gama
Fuck Kevin Keegan, and fuck Franny Lee
Fuck Steve McManaman and fuck Man City
Fuck Everton and fuck you Liverpool
Fuck all you Scousers cause Manchester rules
Rule, rule United, rule rule United
Rule, rule United, rule rule United
Rule, rule United, rule rule United
Rule, rule United, rule
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