Скандинавские сказки: мир волков, фразы музыки, слушать в качестве мп3, без проблем скачать на анлройд без задержек, мир песни сказки
Оценка: 0
Исполнитель песни: Скандинавские сказки
Название музыкального произведения: мир волков
Длина файла с песней: 04:33
Дата добавления: 2015-06-24
Текст песни увидели: 771
The Werewolf
The maiden she would to the cottage go
Linden trees quiver in the grove
So she took the path through the forest blue
She was carrying the fruit of love
And when she reached the forest blue
There she met with a gray wolf
O dear wolf please don't bite me
To you I will give my silver gown
The silver gown won't suit me at all
Your young life and your blood must go
O dear wolf please don't bite me
I will give you my silver shoes
Silver shoes won't suit me at all
Your young life and your blood must go
O dear wolf please don't bite me
I will give you my golden crown
A golden crown won't suit me at all
Your young life and your blood must go
The maiden she climbed up high in an oak
The wolf he paced the ground and howled
The wolf dug up the oak by the roots
The maiden gave a heart-rending cry
The young page saddled his gray steed
He rode slightly faster than a bird could fly
And when he came to the wooded place
He found nothing more than a bloody arm
God comfort, God improve me, young page
Linden trees quiver in the grove
My maiden is gone, my horse is dead
She was carrying the fruit of love
Gotte wrote this tune a long while ago, but we always felt it needed lyrics. One day Stefan came in with the extremely sad and violent but still beautiful lyrics of this ballad, and we were able to join the tune and the lyrics without too many compromises. As far as we know this is the only existing medieval ballad in Sweden where a werewolf appears. There are other versions of it, some even more violent and gory.
- Владимир Высоцкий - Идет охота на волков
- Владимир ВЫСОЦКИЙ - 19 - Пою Охоту на волков
- Владимир Высоцкий - Конец ''Охоты на волков'', или Охота с вертолетов
- Владимир Высоцкий - Охота на волков (1968)
- Ингушские сказки - О чести и Сармак
- Сказки на ночь - Про любовь и ненависть
- Сказки А.С.Пушкина - У лукоморья дуб зелёный
- Альфа и Омега: Клыкастая братва - Вой волков на луну
- Mika ja Turkka Mali - Susijahti (Охота на волков, песня Владимира Высоцкого на финском языке)
- Виталий Редько - Сергей Волков - Этногенез: Чингисхан книга 1 часть 1 Повелитель страха
- Русские народные сказки - Старые сказки на новый лад - КраснаяШапочка
- сказки для детей - Дюймовочка с сайта сказки-на-ночь-для-детей.рф