Facesitting Porn Protest in Westminster (rare)

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! The UK government are banning certain sex acts for UK-produced online porn. They say it's because these acts are life-threatening and include goodies such as female ejaculation, spanking and facesitting. It's pretty darn heteronormative and written up by a bunch of rich white guys. It's all very silly so a bunch of people protested about it by simulating facesitting outside the houses of parliament in Westminster. You have my support!I have a blog ~ I post statuses ~ I write zines ~ - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

The UK government are banning certain sex acts for UK-produced online porn. They say it's because these acts are life-threatening and include goodies such as female ejaculation, spanking and facesitting. It's pretty darn heteronormative and written up by a bunch of rich white guys. It's all very silly so a bunch of people protested about it by simulating facesitting outside the houses of parliament in Westminster. You have my support!I have a blog ~ I post statuses ~ I write zines ~

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