FiGHT DANCE SiNG: a Capoeirista's story (FREE Full Online Movie! -

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! This film was produced with a 0$ budget to gain investor interest in the following films.Share if you dig! Directed & Written by Kamal [email protected] FightDanceSing.com302 983 7659FiGHT DANCE SiNG: A Capoeirista's story, is a fun, first of its kind "online movie", centered around the action packed fast changing life of New York city native Junie Lachman.Junie is reaching the point in his life where just surviving day by day isn't cutting it. But it takes life's own special blend of events to force him to do something about it. Junie is forced to face death, deal with an unexpected house guest, and fight for his life. The only thing that "holds him down" through it all is his passion for the urban martial art of Capoeira.The film is written and directed by Will Smith's Mentee and former on-set assistant, Kamal RobinsonI AM LEGEND, HANCOCK. The film also features HIp-Hop's own classic figure DresBlack Sheep as the film's main antagonist.The film has a rocking' original hip-hop soundtrack produced by Eli Brame, Ayo, the Killer Kidz and more.​​​​Thank you/Obrigado/Merci/Gracias - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

This film was produced with a 0$ budget to gain investor interest in the following films.Share if you dig! Directed & Written by Kamal Robinson(ReDef.)[email protected] FightDanceSing.com302 983 7659FiGHT DANCE SiNG: A Capoeirista's story, is a fun, first of its kind "online movie", centered around the action packed fast changing life of New York city native Junie Lachman.Junie is reaching the point in his life where just surviving day by day isn't cutting it. But it takes life's own special blend of events to force him to do something about it. Junie is forced to face death, deal with an unexpected house guest, and fight for his life. The only thing that "holds him down" through it all is his passion for the urban martial art of Capoeira.The film is written and directed by Will Smith's Mentee and former on-set assistant, Kamal Robinson(I AM LEGEND, HANCOCK). The film also features HIp-Hop's own classic figure Dres(Black Sheep) as the film's main antagonist.The film has a rocking' original hip-hop soundtrack produced by Eli Brame, Ayo, the Killer Kidz and more.​​​​Thank you/Obrigado/Merci/Gracias

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