Красота по-английски. Stage Beauty. Purcell. Who can resist

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! "Красота по-английски". Stage Beauty. Who can resist.Отрывок из semi оперы Генри Пёрселла "Тимон Афинский" Henry Purcell Masque from Timon of AthensCupid: Come all, come all to me, make haste,The sweets of mutual passion taste:Come all to me, and wear my chains,The joys of love, without its pains.Corus:Who can resist such mighty charms?Victorious love,Whose pow'r controls the Gods above,And even the Thunderer disarms! - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

"Красота по-английски". Stage Beauty. Who can resist.Отрывок из semi оперы Генри Пёрселла "Тимон Афинский" Henry Purcell Masque from Timon of AthensCupid: Come all, come all to me, make haste,The sweets of mutual passion taste:Come all to me, and wear my chains,The joys of love, without its pains.Corus:Who can resist such mighty charms?Victorious love,Whose pow'r controls the Gods above,And even the Thunderer disarms!

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