Kyle XY season 4

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! Traffic Attack PlanLaut Google Ad-Planner, hatte die Abcfamliy Homepage im Monat September ungefähr 620.000 Besucher.Die AbcFamliy Seite selber, ist unterteilt in den einzeln Show's wie Greek,Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars, die nennt man Showsites.Klar hat Kyle XY auch eine eigne Showsite und um die geht's bei dieser Kampagne.Es ist ja wohl kein Geheimniss, dass Greek,Secret Life oder Pretty Little Liars mehr Leute auf die Homepage von AbcFamliy lockt, als Kyle XY.Und das müssen wir ändern! AbcFamliy kontrolliert wie jede andere große Seite ihr Besucher aufkommen,dass machen wir uns zu nutze um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen.Da Kyle schon lange abgesetzt wurde, ist klar das wenig Besucher aufkommenTraffic auf der Seite von Kylexy gib. Das war eben ruhe vor dem Sturm!Fans! Send emails, postcards, comments and everything related to ABC. We want Kyle XY Back. Adresses can be found in the "Discussions" in the main page! Hello friends.I want to tell you something about our plan "traffic attack and we will hope that much of you help us. I think you know that ABC have a website with different showsites like Greek, Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars and also Kyle xy. Of course Greek and the other shows have more visitors than Kyle xy because of stopping it but that is what we want to change. How every big site ABC check their visitor traffic and that is what we can use to get their attention!What is to do:At the 4.12.2010 we all have to work over this checklist:Going on Google an writing "Kyle XY"Going on the website of ABCMaking an account you can also sign in with a Facebook accountTaking part at the poll "poll -- QUESTION: Who do you love to hate most?" on the Kyle XY showsiteClicking on the button "videos" and watching the video "Rachel on Set -- Fanmail" category Short videosMaking a comment*Clicking on the button "Boards" and taking part at the conversation "I LoveKyle XY Finnish!Important is to not write a comment like "Save Kyle, We want it back, we hate ABC"Just pretend that Kyle XY have not stopped.Our ambition is that minimum 2000 10% of the daily traffic persons will go on the sowsite. We just hope that we get the most visitors on this day. We will chock the gays of ABC because they do not think that so many people are interested in Kyle XY. This gays are only interested in counts and we want to play this counts crazy.We hope on your aid.Please give us a feedback so that we know if you will help us or not. - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

Traffic Attack PlanLaut Google Ad-Planner, hatte die Abcfamliy Homepage im Monat September ungefähr 620.000 Besucher.Die AbcFamliy Seite selber, ist unterteilt in den einzeln Show's wie Greek,Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars, die nennt man Showsites.Klar hat Kyle XY auch eine eigne Showsite und um die geht's bei dieser Kampagne.Es ist ja wohl kein Geheimniss, dass Greek,Secret Life oder Pretty Little Liars mehr Leute auf die Homepage von AbcFamliy lockt, als Kyle XY.Und das müssen wir ändern! AbcFamliy kontrolliert wie jede andere große Seite ihr Besucher aufkommen,dass machen wir uns zu nutze um Aufmerksamkeit zu erregen.Da Kyle schon lange abgesetzt wurde, ist klar das wenig Besucher aufkommen(Traffic) auf der Seite von Kylexy gib. Das war eben ruhe vor dem Sturm!Fans! Send emails, postcards, comments and everything related to ABC. We want Kyle XY Back. Adresses can be found in the "Discussions" in the main page! Hello friends.I want to tell you something about our plan "traffic attack and we will hope that much of you help us. I think you know that ABC have a website with different showsites like Greek, Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars and also Kyle xy. Of course Greek and the other shows have more visitors than Kyle xy because of stopping it but that is what we want to change. How every big site ABC check their visitor (traffic) and that is what we can use to get their attention!What is to do:At the 4.12.2010 we all have to work over this checklist:Going on Google an writing "Kyle XY"Going on the website of ABCMaking an account (you can also sign in with a Facebook account)Taking part at the poll "poll -- QUESTION: Who do you love to hate most?" on the Kyle XY showsiteClicking on the button "videos" and watching the video "Rachel on Set -- Fanmail" (category Short videos)Making a comment*Clicking on the button "Boards" and taking part at the conversation "I LoveKyle XY Finnish!Important is to not write a comment like "Save Kyle, We want it back, we hate ABC"Just pretend that Kyle XY have not stopped.Our ambition is that minimum 2000 (10% of the daily traffic) persons will go on the sowsite. We just hope that we get the most visitors on this day. We will chock the gays of ABC because they do not think that so many people are interested in Kyle XY. This gays are only interested in counts and we want to play this counts crazy.We hope on your aid.Please give us a feedback so that we know if you will help us or not.

Теги: kyle, season, kyle season
Рейтинг: 0 529 просмотров
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