Major Lazer - "Watch out for this" dance super video by DHQ Fraules
Эксклюзивное видео на сайте! WATCH ONLY HD QUALITY!!!!!! WATCH AND SHARE!!!) Representing Fraules Dance Centre и Pull up crew!!!YEEEES! we were waiting for so long to see that video! It took so much work and time to do this! But this video is showing my vision of this song and dancehall at all!This video was filmed in cold Siberia, where is so cold sometimes during the winter and so nice in summer! But dance is everything and dancehall gives us power and heat!Idea: Fraules Elena YatkinaChoreography: Fraules Elena YatkinaCamera: Ремизовский Евгений, Васильков Роман, Джолдыбаева ЕленаCut: Евгений Ремизовский, Яткина Елена, Фомин ДмитрийDancers: Fraules Dance Centre Fraules, Sofa, Mary, Nika, Alya, Lena, Katya, Lida, Masha Lil\'Killa, dancehall siberian dancers: Inga Blackton, Gayka Blackton, Bato, Mishell, and also D-man Da funky style!Thanks for help everybody, specially for bar "Friends" and "San Jose", and HeadShot production for filming and help!and much love for my girls!For contact [email protected] - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!
WATCH ONLY HD QUALITY!!!!!! WATCH AND SHARE!!!) Representing Fraules Dance Centre и Pull up crew!!!YEEEES! we were waiting for so long to see that video! It took so much work and time to do this! But this video is showing my vision of this song and dancehall at all!This video was filmed in cold Siberia, where is so cold sometimes during the winter and so nice in summer! But dance is everything and dancehall gives us power and heat!Idea: Fraules (Elena Yatkina)Choreography: Fraules (Elena Yatkina)Camera: Ремизовский Евгений, Васильков Роман, Джолдыбаева ЕленаCut: Евгений Ремизовский, Яткина Елена, Фомин ДмитрийDancers: Fraules Dance Centre (Fraules, Sofa, Mary, Nika, Alya, Lena, Katya, Lida, Masha Lil'Killa), dancehall siberian dancers: Inga Blackton, Gayka Blackton, Bato, Mishell, and also D-man Da funky style!Thanks for help everybody, specially for bar "Friends" and "San Jose", and HeadShot production for filming and help!and much love for my girls!For contact [email protected]