Poetry and the Film Cinema 16 (1953)

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! Cinema 16 symposiumPoetry and the FilmNew York, 26 October 1953with Dylan Thomas, Arthur Miller, Maya Deren, Parker Tyler and Willard MaasA transcript of this event can be found at the website aboveIn his book Underground Film, Tyler describes what he calls an "arresting episode" at the symposium: "The earnest Miss Deren heroically raised the standard or formal method by proposing that 'film poetry' has a vertical development and 'film prose,' equivalent to literary narrative or a stage play, a horizontal development... What she meant, of course, is familiar to all serious critics whether their field is literature or the film. To a great extent narrative is defined by time lapse; that is, the events of the complex action, with the modern novel as a norm, require both literal space and literal time in which to move and develop themselves. Examining Miss Deren's brief, rather dreamlike films, we see that space there is magical; while a variety of scenes is shown, their relation to each other is not that of real geographic space; they are built in the vertical dimension of dream and become complicated metaphors.""Tyler, Maas, Deren, and Vogel seem to have been sure that there was such a thing as a 'poetic film' or a 'film poem,'" Scott MacDonald has written. "However, Thomas and Miller, the two dignitaries brought in from outside the avant-garde film context, seem unclear as to how these two art forms are related, despite Deren's brilliant distinction between 'horizontal' and 'vertical' meaning in literature and in film; horizontal being the forms of meaning made clear through the developing narrative of a work, and vertical the multiple layers of meaning that accrue in forms of expression normally considered poetic." - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

Cinema 16 symposiumPoetry and the FilmNew York, 26 October 1953with Dylan Thomas, Arthur Miller, Maya Deren, Parker Tyler and Willard MaasA transcript of this event can be found at the website aboveIn his book Underground Film, Tyler describes what he calls an "arresting episode" at the symposium: "The earnest Miss Deren heroically raised the standard or formal method by proposing that 'film poetry' has a vertical development and 'film prose,' equivalent to literary narrative or a stage play, a horizontal development... What she meant, of course, is familiar to all serious critics whether their field is literature or the film. To a great extent narrative is defined by time lapse; that is, the events of the complex action, with the modern novel as a norm, require both literal space and literal time in which to move and develop themselves. Examining Miss Deren's brief, rather dreamlike films, we see that space there is magical; while a variety of scenes is shown, their relation to each other is not that of real (geographic) space; they are built in the vertical dimension of dream and become complicated metaphors.""Tyler, Maas, Deren, and Vogel seem to have been sure that there was such a thing as a 'poetic film' or a 'film poem,'" Scott MacDonald has written. "However, Thomas and Miller, the two dignitaries brought in from outside the avant-garde film context, seem unclear as to how these two art forms are related, despite Deren's brilliant distinction between 'horizontal' and 'vertical' meaning in literature and in film; horizontal being the forms of meaning made clear through the developing narrative of a work, and vertical the multiple layers of meaning that accrue in forms of expression normally considered poetic."

Теги: poetry, and, the, film, cinema, poetry and
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