Spiral69 - BEST PORNO (Official Video)

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! SPIRAL69 - BEST PORNO Official VideoLyrics:BEST PORNOI will call your name through the light trying to hide in the shadows, no one can see me nowthe smell of our bodies wet is the perfect drugtorments me the desire to penetrate deep into your flesh'cause It's you my best porno to play'cause it's you my voice that start to decayyeah It's you, the desire I wish to rapeIt's you...It's my best porno to playI will call your name through the light here no one can find me...and pray to die in the secretions of your lust.'cause It's you my best porno to play'cause it's you my voice that start to decayyeah It's you, the desire I wish to rapeIt's you...It's my best porno to playI will die into your lust...CREDITS :directed by Paola RotassoD.O.P. Davide MancaCAST: in order of appearanceTiziana CentomaniClaudia GaffuriDiletta AcquavivaLia TrombettaGermano GentileValentina IzumìGiulio PampiglioneGiorgia VisaniGiovanni IzzoSimone SalvatoriElenia Giulien AllenDaniela Hudson RiverFabiano LioiLOCATION:Luca PadriniIlaria BragheseINDUSTRIA INDIPENDENTEEdelweiss CentomaniAntonella Claire BartoloCLOTHES:Beatrice MianoFederica CentoreChiara IanniAlessandra OdoardiSTAGE PHOTOS:Ilaria BragheseTiziana CentomaniPRODUCTION ASSISTANTS:Michela Di NardoElena MuratoreJessica PalmaccioTHANKS TO:Ermanno Guida RedigitalAlba Riccardi e Roberto RotassoFederico Amorosi e Filippo JackrussellPHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT:Marta RonzoneD.O.P.:Davide MancaDIRECTING AND EDITING:Paola RotassoSPIRAL69 - BEST PORNOfrom the album"NO PAINT ON THE WALL" Megasound ©2011distibuited by Zebralution/Warner - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

SPIRAL69 - BEST PORNO Official VideoLyrics:BEST PORNOI will call your name through the light trying to hide in the shadows, (no one can see me now)the smell of our bodies wet is the perfect drugtorments me the desire to penetrate deep into your flesh'cause It's you my best porno to play'cause it's you my voice that start to decayyeah It's you, the desire I wish to rapeIt's you...It's my best porno to playI will call your name through the light here no one can find me...and pray to die in the secretions of your lust.'cause It's you my best porno to play'cause it's you my voice that start to decayyeah It's you, the desire I wish to rapeIt's you...It's my best porno to playI will die into your lust...CREDITS :directed by Paola RotassoD.O.P. Davide MancaCAST: (in order of appearance)Tiziana CentomaniClaudia GaffuriDiletta AcquavivaLia TrombettaGermano GentileValentina IzumìGiulio PampiglioneGiorgia VisaniGiovanni IzzoSimone SalvatoriElenia Giulien AllenDaniela Hudson RiverFabiano LioiLOCATION:Luca PadriniIlaria BragheseINDUSTRIA INDIPENDENTEEdelweiss CentomaniAntonella Claire BartoloCLOTHES:Beatrice MianoFederica CentoreChiara IanniAlessandra OdoardiSTAGE PHOTOS:Ilaria BragheseTiziana CentomaniPRODUCTION ASSISTANTS:Michela Di NardoElena MuratoreJessica PalmaccioTHANKS TO:Ermanno Guida (Redigital)Alba Riccardi e Roberto RotassoFederico Amorosi e Filippo JackrussellPHOTOGRAPHY ASSISTANT:Marta RonzoneD.O.P.:Davide MancaDIRECTING AND EDITING:Paola RotassoSPIRAL69 - BEST PORNOfrom the album"NO PAINT ON THE WALL" (Megasound ©2011)distibuited by Zebralution/Warner

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