Terminator 2: Judgment Day - The Resistance vs Skynet (Opening Battle of Movie) 1080p

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! The opening action sequence of James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day. (Sorry, due to copyright issues I had to keep this short. However I’m able to show what I wanted; a brief look at the war known as ‘Judgment Day’ between the Human Resistance and Skynet. As Sarah Connor said in the opening narration, the remaining humans faced a new nightmare in the form of terrifying Terminators, Tanks, and Hunters. Thanks to the late Stan Winston, he brought everything to life through practical means. This was done with a combination of scale model Terminators that were full sized and puppets, model flying Hunters, and creative camera work. So much hard work and heart can be seen in this 1 minute clip. After over 24 years, these special effects hold up extremely well.No copyright infringement intended. - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

The opening action sequence of James Cameron’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day. (Sorry, due to copyright issues I had to keep this short. However I’m able to show what I wanted; a brief look at the war known as ‘Judgment Day’ between the Human Resistance and Skynet. As Sarah Connor said in the opening narration, the remaining humans faced a new nightmare in the form of terrifying Terminators, Tanks, and Hunters. Thanks to the late Stan Winston, he brought everything to life through practical means. This was done with a combination of scale model Terminators that were full sized and puppets, model flying Hunters, and creative camera work. So much hard work and heart can be seen in this 1 minute clip. After over 24 years, these special effects hold up extremely well.No copyright infringement intended.

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