Women as Background Decoration: Part 2 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Эксклюзивное видео на сайте allfamilysongs.ru! Content Warning: This educational episode contains graphic sexual and violent game footage.This is the second episode exploring the Women as Background Decoration trope in video games. In this installment we expand our discussion to examine how sexualized female bodies often occupy a dual role as both sexual playthings and the perpetual victims of male violence.The Women as Background Decoration trope which is the subset of largely insignificant non-playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or racy flavoring into game worlds. These sexually objectified female bodies are designed to function as environmental texture while titillating presumed straight male players. Sometimes they're created to be glorified furniture but they are frequently programmed as minimally interactive sex objects to be used and abused. Full transcript, links and resources available at: ABOUT THE SERIESThe Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective. This series will include critical analysis of many beloved games and characters, but remember that it is both possible and even necessary to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of it's more problematic or pernicious aspects. This video series is created by Anita Sarkeesian and the project was funded by 6968 awesome backers on Kickstarter.comGAMES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE:Assassin’s Creed 2 2009Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood 2010Bioshock 2007Bioshock 2 2010Dead Island 2011Dishonored 2012Dragon Age: Origins 2009Fable 2 2008Far Cry 3 2012God of War 3 2008Grand Theft Auto IV 2008Grand Theft Auto V 2013Hitman: Absolution 2012Hitman: Blood Money 2006Kane & Lynch 2007L.A. Noire 2011Mafia II: Joe’s Adventures 2010Metro: Last Light 2013No More Heroes 2008Papo & Yo 2012Prototype 2009Red Dead Redemption 2010Saints Row 2006Super Mario Galaxy 2 2010The Darkness II 2012The Witcher 2007The Witcher 2 2011Thief 2014Watch Dogs 2014FAIR USEThe multimedia clips included in this video constitute a 'fair use' of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship.COMMENTS: We have been forced to close comments on YouTube due to continued harassment of this channel but please feel free to post and share this video with your own social media networks to facilitate discussions.OTHER TROPE VIDEOS:Damsel in Distress Part 1: Damsel in Distress Part 2: Damsel in Distress Part 3: Ms. Male Character: Women as Background Decoration Part 1: CREDITSDirector: Anita SarkeesianProducer: Jonathan McIntoshWriters: Anita Sarkeesian and Jonathan McIntoshMotion Graphics: Black MathMusic: Matt Joynt & Nathan Sandberg - с отличнейшим качеством и звуком!

Content Warning: This educational episode contains graphic sexual and violent game footage.This is the second episode exploring the Women as Background Decoration trope in video games. In this installment we expand our discussion to examine how sexualized female bodies often occupy a dual role as both sexual playthings and the perpetual victims of male violence.The Women as Background Decoration trope which is the subset of largely insignificant non-playable female characters whose sexuality or victimhood is exploited as a way to infuse edgy, gritty or racy flavoring into game worlds. These sexually objectified female bodies are designed to function as environmental texture while titillating presumed straight male players. Sometimes they're created to be glorified furniture but they are frequently programmed as minimally interactive sex objects to be used and abused. Full transcript, links and resources available at: ABOUT THE SERIESThe Tropes vs Women in Video Games project aims to examine the plot devices and patterns most often associated with female characters in gaming from a systemic, big picture perspective. This series will include critical analysis of many beloved games and characters, but remember that it is both possible (and even necessary) to simultaneously enjoy media while also being critical of it's more problematic or pernicious aspects. This video series is created by Anita Sarkeesian and the project was funded by 6968 awesome backers on Kickstarter.comGAMES REFERENCED IN THIS EPISODE:Assassin’s Creed 2 (2009)Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (2010)Bioshock (2007)Bioshock 2 (2010)Dead Island (2011)Dishonored (2012)Dragon Age: Origins (2009)Fable 2 (2008)Far Cry 3 (2012)God of War 3 (2008)Grand Theft Auto IV (2008)Grand Theft Auto V (2013)Hitman: Absolution (2012)Hitman: Blood Money (2006)Kane & Lynch (2007)L.A. Noire (2011)Mafia II: Joe’s Adventures (2010)Metro: Last Light (2013)No More Heroes (2008)Papo & Yo (2012)Prototype (2009)Red Dead Redemption (2010)Saints Row (2006)Super Mario Galaxy 2 (2010)The Darkness II (2012)The Witcher (2007)The Witcher 2 (2011)Thief (2014)Watch Dogs (2014)FAIR USEThe multimedia clips included in this video constitute a 'fair use' of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship.COMMENTS: We have been forced to close comments on YouTube due to continued harassment of this channel but please feel free to post and share this video with your own social media networks to facilitate discussions.OTHER TROPE VIDEOS:Damsel in Distress Part 1: Damsel in Distress Part 2: Damsel in Distress Part 3: Ms. Male Character: Women as Background Decoration Part 1: CREDITSDirector: Anita SarkeesianProducer: Jonathan McIntoshWriters: Anita Sarkeesian and Jonathan McIntoshMotion Graphics: Black MathMusic: Matt Joynt & Nathan Sandberg

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